#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Author: David Billsbrough <[email protected]>
#  $Id:,v 0.4 2004/05/18 11:06:30 root Exp root $

require strict;

use Date::Calc;

my $Aline;
my $file = ".calendar";
my $GMT = 0;                           # system clock is local time.
my @Today = Date::Calc::Today([$GMT]);
my $OldDir = `pwd`;

sub process_line
   local @DateArray;
   local $DayCount;
   local $EventDate;
   local $EventName;

   ($EventDate, $EventName) = split(":", $Aline);
   @DateArray = split("/", $EventDate);

   $DayCount = Date::Calc::Delta_Days(@Today, @DateArray);

   if ($DayCount <= -2) {
      print "It was " . abs($DayCount) . " days ago since $EventName.\n";
   } elsif ($DayCount == -1) {
      print "Yesterday was $EventName.\n";
   } elsif ($DayCount == 0) {
      print "Today is $EventName.\n";
   } elsif ($DayCount == 1) {
      print "Tomorrow is $EventName.\n";
   } else {
      print "There are $DayCount days until $EventName.\n";

##      Main program begins here      ##


print "\n";
print "Today is " . Date::Calc::Date_to_Text_Long(@Today) . ".\n";
print "\n";

open FH, "< $file" or die "Can't open '$file': $!\n";

while (not eof(FH)) {
   $Aline = <FH>;
   chomp $Aline;

close FH;

chdir '$OldDir';

print "\n";
print "End of report.\n";

# End of script